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Brayden Baby Revolutionary Infant Cpr Manikin Now Available In The Philippines

Brayden Baby: Revolutionary Infant CPR Manikin Now Available in the Philippines

Groundbreaking Technology for Infant CPR Training

Wel Medicals announces the arrival of Brayden Baby Pro, the game-changing infant CPR training manikin in the Philippines. This award-winning device empowers healthcare providers and caregivers with real-time visual feedback for optimal CPR performance.

Features and Benefits of Brayden Baby Pro

Developed in collaboration with leading experts, Brayden Baby Pro provides objective and immediate feedback on crucial infant CPR parameters, including:

  • Compression depth and rate
  • Ventilation quality

The intuitive lights integrated into the manikin guide users towards正確 techniques, ensuring effective and timely CPR interventions.

Seamless Integration with Brayden Online Platform

Brayden Baby Pro seamlessly connects to the Brayden Online platform, offering comprehensive functionality and data analysis for training purposes. The cloud-based platform provides:

  • Detailed reports on performance metrics
  • Objective assessments for certification
  • Virtual simulation scenarios

This enhanced functionality elevates infant CPR training to a new level of precision and efficiency.

Availability in the Philippines

Brayden Baby Pro is now available for purchase in the Philippines. Healthcare professionals, educators, and caregivers are urged to visit Wel Medicals' website ( to learn more about this groundbreaking infant CPR training solution.
